Generate fretboard scale patterns with this handy tool.
Fretboard Scale Generator
Select a root note and a scale to see it on a 12-fret fretboard.
More Information on Scales and Modes
If you want to learn more about the scales and modes, I recommend checking out my lessons on the major scale, pentatonic scales, and the modes.
I like your site, Ive been playing for about 2 yrs
Thank you for the kind words. Let me know if you have any guitar questions.
I have been reading around and trying to figure out your teachings with intends to make me a better guitarist. Every piece of articles have brilliant guidance, but I would also like to watch them as videos in youtube so that i can figure out better practically.
Nice work. Any chance of a left handed (reversed)version of this fretboard scale generator.
I’m glad you liked the generator. I’ll take a look at it to see if I can make it lefty-friendly.