Accent | An emphasized note |
Accidental | A symbol used to raise or lower the pitch of a note in standard notation. The symbol is either a sharp (♯), a flat (♭), or a natural sign (♮). |
Action | The height of the strings from the fretboard |
Arpeggio | A succession of chord tones |
Bar | Also called a measure, a bar is a segment of written music in which there is a designated number of beats |
Bass Note | Lowest note of a chord |
Bridge | Section of the guitar on the body where the strings held. It is on the opposite side from where you tune the guitar. |
Camber | Curvature of the fretboard. |
Capo | A clamp that holds down all the strings on a given fret. |
Chromatic | Refers to note going up or down a semitone |
Feedback | Sound produced by a guitar amplifying its own sound. |
Fretboard | Wood section of the guitar with frets mounted on it. |
Flat | A symbol (♭) which signifies the lowering of a note 1 semitone |
Frets | Metal strips on the fretboard |
Headstock | Area where the tuning pegs are located |
Improvisation | Making up a solo as you go. |
Interval | Distance between 2 notes |
Key | The reference pitch for a song |
Luthier | A guitar maker |
Natural | Symbol (♮) for negating a sharp or a flat. |
Nut | Section where the strings are held tightly near the headstock |
Octave | An interval of 12 semitones or 6 whole steps |
Root | The note of reference for a scale or chord |
Semitone | A half step |
Sharp | A symbol (♯) which signifies the raising of a note 1 semitone |
Tempo | Speed of the music |
Triad | Three note chord |